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Apr 04, 2022

EGBAR Makes School Injury Claims Management Effortless

EGBAR Makes School Injury Claims Management Effortless

Between claims, paperwork, red-tape, EOBs (explanation of benefits), providers, bills, requests for information, and more, it’s no surprise handling your school’s injury claims feels like it never ends. Especially when it’s all multiplied by claims from numerous injured students or student-athletes in varying stages of treatment and recovery.

And when you factor in that it may be keeping you away from your real job responsibilities, it’s also frustrating — especially since, if you look around the office or locker room, chances are no one else is jumping at the chance to help or relieve you of it.

Being stuck in the injury claims management cycle is unfortunate, but someone has to do it. Fortunately, at A-G Specialty Insurance, we have a solution that can make your claims management effortless. It’s called EGBAR, and it’s a claims management software system that practically does it all for you.

What EGBAR Does For You

EGBAR stands for Efficiency Generating Business Automation Resource. It’s a game-changer that gets you out of the red tape and back to doing your job. Plus, it gives you actionable data that could help save on premiums and reduce injuries.

Knowing what you do about claims, you may think these are big claims to make. But they’re not an exaggeration. EGBAR’s proprietary insurance claims management software system is unmatched in the industry. With EGBAR, you get access to a system that manages the claims for you and a portal that tells you everything you need to know about them. So, how does EGBAR work?

You Tell Us About The Claim And EGBAR Takes It From There

You start with access to EGBAR through our A-G sports and student accident program.

  • You’ll let us know about the injury claim electronically through leading sports EMRs (electronic medical records) such as ATS, SportsWare, Healthy Roster, and Presagia Sports to enable one-click injury claim notification. This allows us to open the claim through a secure, HIPAA-compliant EDI (electronic data interface) where data can be entered and uploaded (such as EOBs) in real-time. You can also bulk upload claims quickly and easily, saving you time. We’ll match them up. You won’t have to anymore.
  • Next, if paperwork is missing, EGBAR and an A-G claims handler contact the providers for the information. Not you. We will only contact your school or parent if we need permission given to the provider.
  • Now you can let EGBAR get to work managing the claims. You no longer have to be an active participant in claims management. You’re a spectator who can check in on the things you’re most interested in with real-time access to several important reports.

Watch EGBAR’s Effortless Claims Management Reporting


EGBAR Pending Claims Report

Get real-time information on past and upcoming bills and payments in the Pending Claims Payments Report. You’ll also see if any problems are holding up claims payments. This report is unique in the industry, and also includes details about A-G contacts, questions, and follow-ups.

EGBAR Claims History Report

The Claims History Report lists all claims on a school policy alphabetically by the athlete. Information includes sport, body part, providers, and procedures for a powerful snapshot and analysis of your program’s costs, injuries, and risks. This data is pulled from our industry-first, fully configurable claim form and is used with Tableau data visualization software to benchmark against trends and historical data. These insights can become a powerful risk management tool that could help you decrease injuries through changes to practices or programs.

The Claims History Report also helps us negotiate prices if we see specific providers always charge more. (We have access to over 40 provider networks for a lot of flexibility to control costs—which could ultimately be reflected in lower premium costs.)

EGBAR Pay Log Report

EGBAR completes the claims process with its Pay Log Report that you can access for up-to-the-minute information on what claims have been paid, for which athlete, the amount paid, the provider, and the date.

Request An EGBAR Demo

With EGBAR, you get access to all the pertinent claims information you need without having to do all of the work. Its claims management the way it should be done, with the added bonus of removing your frustration and paperwork.

If you’d like to see how EGBAR works for yourself, it’s easy. Take a moment to watch the video, and then request your demo today. One of our A-G program managers will be in touch to schedule a virtual demonstration of EGBAR’s surprising, proprietary, and industry-leading features. You can also learn more about our nearly 40 years of providing accident insurance solutions for more than 3,200 K-12 school districts, 675 colleges and universities, and 3,000 national governing bodies.

Please don’t wait to find out how EGBAR can help remove your injury claims management burdens. Request your demo today.


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